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What is The Democratic Committee of Lower Merion and Narberth?


We are your neighbors, and our mission is to help make democracy work for you.


We are 100 people dedicated to the recruitment, support and election of Democratic candidates to local, county, state and national office.


We assist with voter registration and mail-in voting.


We create and distribute information about elections in an effort to inform and increase voter turnout.


We are volunteers. You may find us knocking on your door to remind you to vote, or as your Committee People greeting you at the polls on election day. We might even drive you there.


We are your neighbors and we are volunteers.  This is what democracy looks like. 

Our Leadership

Jeff Scott
610 574-0579
Robert Paul
Regional Vice Chair – Eastern Region (Wards 7, 9, 12, 13 and 14)
Jane Murray
Regional Vice Chair – Central Region (Wards 3, 4, 5, 8 and Narberth)
215 740-0076
Nancy Kleinberg
Regional Vice Chair – Western Region (Wards 1, 2, 6, 10 and 11)
215 669-9918
Gigi Leitch
610 505-6311
Kerry Halpern Skoglund
347 581-8991
Bill Leopold
Area Representative to MCDC
610 667-6818
Eva Ray
Area Representative to MCDC
610 525-9576
Jeff Schwartz
Area Representative to MCDC
215 290-4174
Adrian Seltzer
Area Representative to MCDC
610 308-9386
Murray Levin
Representative to PA Democratic Committee
610 649-9927
Joe Foster
Representative to PA Democratic Committee
Jonathan Shapiro
Subcommittee Chair–Candidate Recruitment
215 280-1985
Sara Atkins
Subcommittee Chair–Campaign Support and Coordination
610 658-3210
Marc Steel
Subcommittee Chair–Technology
Subcommittee Chair–Fundraising
Adrian Seltzer
Subcommittee Chair–Issues and Policies
610 308-9386
Phyllis Rubin
Subcommittee Chair–Voter Registration
610 639-1498
Daniella Weinberg
Subcommittee Chair–Communications
Ken Krivitzky
513 503-9559
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